WhatsApp Rolls Out Two-Step Verification Process to Users

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The app that allows you to text friends across the globe has added an extra level of security for its users. According to Techcrunch, WhatsApp has rolled out a two-step authentication or verification process. It quietly announced the change in an updated FAQ on its website.

The additional security measure is a 6-digit passcode that users can require in order to register a particular phone number with their WhatsApp account. Once enabled, any attempt to verify a phone number on WhatsApp will require the passcode. Additionally, the app will occasionally request the passcode to be re-entered. With this additional layer of security, WhatsApp protects your account from unauthorized access.

PC World offers a great explanation regarding how to enable WhatsApp new two-step verification, as well some tips for creating a passcode. For example, you should not use numbers readily available to the public such as digits from your phone number or street address.

In an era where one’s identity has become as interlinked with app and social media accounts as it has been with financial and other traditional institutions, individuals should employ as additional steps to enhance the security of their accounts, identities, and apps. Although it may seem inconvenient, two-step authentication measures help provide robust security measures that will mitigate potential harm from hijacked accounts and the resulting impersonation.

Beyond the enhances technology, users should also employ very basic cybersecurity and data security tips: (1) Use Passwords. (2) Use Passwords Often. (3) Use Passwords that have an illogical element but which you can easily remember. For example, you can combine two arbitrary and unrelated words (eg orangetransistors) as well as numbers and symbols. (4) Change Passwords. (5) When you change passwords, do not follow an easily determined formula (don’t simply change to “bluetransistors”).

Mudd Law provides advice to clients on matters related to cybersecurity and data security, including enhancing the security of products and services provided to users through apps, websites, and other platforms. Follow us on twitter for additional data security tips for the user and business.