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Avoiding Legal Minefields in the World of Minecraft

Avoiding Legal Minefields in the World of Minecraft The game Minecraft has produced opportunities for many to develop revenue streams in association with Minecraft gameplay. For avid users of Minecraft, the

Removing Fake Facebook Accounts, Profiles, and Pages – Part II

Return to Part I Mudd Law Offices has experience representing individuals who have been impersonated on the Internet including having fake or fraudulent Facebook pages and accounts created about them.

Arizona Enacts “Revenge” Porn Law

We also recommend reading our broader discussion of revenge porn legal issues based on years of representing victims of revenge porn and related conduct. There exist in many states civil remedies

Mudd Law Attorneys Attend C2E2 in Chicago

Mudd Law attorneys Charles Lee Mudd Jr. and Liz Brodzinski attended C2E2 in Chicago, Illinois. While at C2E2, Charles and Liz spoke with a number of comic book artists, writers,

Mudd Law Attorneys at Small Business Expo

Mudd Law enjoyed appearing at the Chicago Small Business Expo ( @TheBizExpo ) in Chicago, Illinois this past April 24, 2014. Small business and startup lawyers Charles Lee Mudd Jr., Stephanie

Charles Lee Mudd Jr. Appointed to ISBA Business Advice & Financial Planning

Charles Lee Mudd Jr. has been appointed to the Illinois State Bar Association’s Business Advice & Financial Planning Section Council for the term 2014-2015. Charles Lee Mudd Jr. previously served